Welcome to CHI 2018
Palais des Congrès de Montréal
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. For first-time attendees, CHI is a place where researchers and practitioners gather from across the world to discuss the latest in interactive technology. We are a multicultural community from highly diverse backgrounds who together investigate new and creative ways for people to interact.
At this year’s CHI – pronounced ‘kai’ – the theme will be engage. Our focus will be to engage with people, to engage with technology, to engage with newcomers, to engage with world-class research, to engage with your community of designers, researchers, and practitioners… to engage with CHI!
Some of the exciting innovations at CHI 2018 will include:
Demonstrations: In 2018, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Mother of all Demos, in which Douglas Engelbart demonstrated the revolutionary and future-predicting oN-Line System (NLS). To celebrate, we are hosting the CHI Expo – a reception on Monday night that will focus on interacting with the technology of the future. Submit to the Demonstrations track to be a part of this innovative event.
Weekend Jams: CHI 2018 will feature a GameJam, in which participants can engage with games by designing and implementing their own game (no programming experience needed), and a ScienceJam, in which participants can engage with science by designing and running an experiment in a two-day frenzy of activity and excitement. GameJam and ScienceJam outcomes may be shown throughout the conference breaks.
Join us at the Palais des Congrès in “la belle province” of Québec in the city of Montréal and engage with its multicultural population, culture, and cuisine.
General Conference Chairs
Regan MandrykUniversity of Saskatchewan
Mark HancockUniversity of Waterloo
Technical Program Chairs
Anna CoxUniversity College London
Mark PerryBrunel University London