The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. If you submitted yesterday, thank you for your patience with PCS. We received a record number of submissions. These now need to be peer reviewed by subject experts – and this is why we are reaching out to you. Without the help of thousands of reviewers, we will be unable to ensure that the standard of reviews, and the consequent recognition that research at the event receives, remains as high as it is.
Please take a moment now to update your reviewing preferences and expertise on PCS:
- Please visit
- Enter your login credentials
- Click on “volunteer center” in the top menu.
- Complete the steps as indicated if you are a ‘first time’ reviewer
- Or: update the sections marked with “Please update this”
Reviewer Advice:
The selections that you make will support how you will be selected for reviewing papers, so it is important that the content here matches your expertise. Please be realistic, and consider what it is that you are an expert in or are knowledgeable about, but also what you might not have sufficient expertise about to peer review an article in. We’re asking you to volunteer to review a reasonable number of papers – for every paper submitted, three to five (sometime more) people will need to review it, and for the conference to work at all, we need a lot of great reviewers (you!) to volunteer their time for multiple papers. A good rule of thumb would be to volunteer to review at least 3 submissions for every submission you make.
If you haven’t reviewed for ACM CHI before, there are many valuable reasons to do so – not least because you get to see how expert reviewers go about assessing papers for when you submit your own papers to the conference. We strongly encourage new reviewers from industry and research students to take part in reviewing; the committee members will balance topic expertise and prior experience to ensure that less experienced researchers will work alongside at least two other highly experienced researchers as reviewers. For those who do have experience of submitting and reviewing for CHI, we will be working with the original version of the submission system, PCS 1, so please ensure that you access the correct site via
There are a number of venues at CHI, and while the ‘Papers’ track is the most prominent, other tracks show important and interesting work. If you haven’t reviewed for other venues such as Late Breaking Work,before, please sign up to review for them on PCS. Some of these tracks are not yet open for volunteering, but will become available very soon. You can find all the CHI 2018 tracks and their deadlines on the CHI 2018 website: We would be grateful if you would sign up for as many of these as you are able to – reviewing deadlines for these are usually different to the Papers track, so you won’t be overwhelmed with too much reviewing all at the same time.
We really appreciate your enthusiasm and effort in creating a great conference for 2018 – many thanks in advance!
Anna Cox and Mark Perry
Technical Programme Chairs, ACM CHI 2018
Good Morning:
Do you know when you expect to have the information regarding where the conference will be held (what building, what facility)? Also, when will you know about the hotels? Thank you.
Hi Anna Lee,
The conference will be held at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal (see information on the homepage).
Hotel information will be shared later this year (in December) on this website.