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Past Deadlines

14 September 2017
(Originally 12 September 2017)
Papers: Title, abstract, authors, subcommittee choice, and all other metadata
Updates on PCS problems

19 September 2017
Papers: Submission files

11 October 2017
Doctoral Consortium
Case Studies
Accepted Courses

13 October 2017
Accepted Workshops/Symposia

27 October 2017
Art Exhibition

22 November 2017
Paper rebuttals are due at 20:00 EST (8pm in Montreal)

2 January 2018
Student Design Competition
Student Research Competition

15 January 2018
Early Career Development Symposium
Late-Breaking Work
Panels & Roundtable Discussions
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Video Showcase

25 January 2018

8 March 2018
1 March 2018
Early Registration Deadline

Late Breaking Work

Quick Facts

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: 15 January 2018 (12pm (noon) PST / 3pm EST)
  • Notification deadline: 16 February 2018
  • Publication-ready deadline: 22 February 2018 (12pm (noon) PST / 3pm EST)
  • 30-second video previews deadline (optional): 3 March 2018

Submission Details:

  • Online Submission: PCS Submission System
  • Template: Extended Abstracts Format
  • Submission Format: a poster abstract (6-page limit including references) prepared in the Extended Abstracts Format. Submissions longer than 6 pages will be automatically rejected.
  • Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information.
  • The ACM 1998 classification system can be found here

Selection Process: Juried

Chairs: Kathrin Gerling, Antti Salovaara, Youn-ah Kang, Derek Reilly (lbw@chi2018.acm.org)

At the Conference: Accepted submissions will be presented as a poster during the conference.

After the Conference: Extended Abstracts proceedings available in the ACM Digital Library

Message from the Late-Breaking Work Chairs

We encourage researchers and practitioners to submit a Late-Breaking Work extended abstract as it provides a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues. Accepted submissions will be presented as a physical poster at the conference, and the extended abstract will be made available to the CHI community through inclusion in the Extended Abstracts proceedings.

As last year, submissions will comprise an extended abstract only.

Kathrin Gerling, University of Lincoln
Youn-ah Kang, Yonsei University
Antti Salovaara, University of Helsinki
Derek Reilly, Dalhousie University


What is Late-Breaking Work

A Late-Breaking Work submission is a concise report of recent findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant to the CHI community. Late-Breaking Work submissions represent work that has not reached a level of completion or maturity that would warrant the full refereed selection process. Submissions should report on cutting edge or emerging work that has not been fully realized or developed, for which empirical data may not yet be available, or that has not yet reached a level of maturity expected for other CHI submission venues (e.g. main track papers). This being said, appropriate submissions should make a contribution to the body of HCI knowledge, whether realized or promised. A significant benefit of a Late-Breaking Work derives from the discussion between authors and conference attendees that will be fostered by the face-to-face presentation of the work. Examples of work sought by this submission category include: emergent technologies, designs, empirical findings or theoretical contributions, preliminary studies, and ongoing work.

The Late-Breaking Work category aims to attract participation from a broad range of disciplines covering a spectrum of topics and methodologies. We encourage submissions from all of CHI’s communities and those new to the CHI community. This venue is also an excellent way for those new to the CHI community to share their work and become acquainted with the field. Please note that summaries of published work or reduced versions of main track CHI submissions are inappropriate as a Late-Breaking Work submission and will be rejected.

Late-Breaking Work abstracts appear in the CHI Extended Abstracts proceedings. Copyright is retained by the authors, and the material from them can be used as the basis for future publications as long as there are “significant” revisions from the original. For more information on the republishability of material appearing at CHI, along with links to relevant ACM policies, please see the section on Republishability on the main CHI CFP.

Preparing and Submitting your Late-Breaking Work

Late-Breaking Work submissions consist of an extended abstract. Please note that in previous years, authors were required to submit a poster design in addition to the extended abstract. For CHI 2018, authors should only submit their extended abstract document, per the following directions:

  1. A poster abstract must be prepared in the Extended Abstract Format and submitted as a PDF file. While the limit is 6 pages, some submissions may be shorter. The submission length should be in line with the scope of the work described, but no longer than 6 pages. References WILL count towards page length. Any other content (including acknowledgments, figures, and appendices) beyond 6-page limit and/or not adhering to the Extended Abstracts Format is not acceptable and will lead to an automatic paper rejection.
  2. Your poster abstract should be close to camera-ready and thoroughly copy-edited. Late-Breaking Work submissions are not anonymous and should therefore include all author names, affiliations and contact information.

The Extended Abstract should communicate:

  1. A concise description of the work
  2. Implications of the work for the CHI community
  3. Recommendations for further investigation and/or incorporation into practice

Examples of Extended Abstracts can be found in the ACM DL.

Due to the short selection cycle, there should be very, very few changes between your submission and the camera-ready final document, except in rare circumstances. Furthermore, due to the very rapid selection process we cannot offer any extensions to the deadline.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

Late-Breaking Work Selection Process

Late-Breaking Work submissions are selected through a Juried process. The process has been designed to acknowledge the early-stage nature of the work. All submissions are considered confidential during the review process.

Each submission will be reviewed on the following criteria:

  • Significance: How important is the problem or question that this submission addresses? How important is the output of this work in contributing to the identified problem or question? How greatly can others benefit from this work?
  • Originality: How novel is the contribution? How clearly does the submission communicate the ways that it differs from and goes beyond the most relevant previous work in this area? (Note that for a Works-in-Progress submission, full literature searches are not expected, although the most relevant citations should be included.)
  • Validity: How appropriate are the chosen methods for the work being undertaken? How well are the submission’s claims and conclusions supported by the results?
  • Written Presentation: How clear and understandable is the writing in the poster abstract? To what extent does the abstract conform to all Extended Abstract formatting requirements and the 6-page limit?
  • Ability of the Work to Initiate Discussion: To what degree will the presentation of this work stimulate interesting conversation among researchers or practitioners? To what extent will the presenters benefit from being able to discuss their work and receive feedback at this stage?

The extended abstract should contain no sensitive, private, or proprietary information that cannot be disclosed at publication time. Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information which will be published on the website prior to the conference.

Upon Acceptance of Your Late-Breaking Work Submission

Late-Breaking Work authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on 16 February 2018. Authors of accepted submissions will receive instructions of how to prepare and submit the publication-ready version, and details on the poster presentation and scheduling at the conference.

Examples of posters can be found in the CHI 2016 Extended Abstracts. Please note that in earlier years, the Late-Breaking Work venue was named Works-in-Progress (WiPs). Examples of previous LBWs with good posters include this one and this one.

At the time of the final submission, authors will be asked to submit a 30-second video preview summarizing the paper. This is optional, but highly encouraged, as it will increase the visibility of publications before, at the conference, and in the ACM digital library in perpetuity. The deadline for submitting 30-second video previews  is March 3, 2018 (12pm (noon) PST / 3pm EST), so authors have additional time to work on them after the camera-ready deadline. Video previews count towards the total submission size of 100MB, so we recommend that the camera-ready submission does not exceed 80MB.

Also see:

At the Conference

At least one author must attend the conference to present the poster.

Authors will be assigned a time and location to present their poster to conference attendees. Note that it is possible that each poster may be presented over two consecutive days, so please keep that in mind while making travel plans. Late-Breaking Work submissions whose authors are not at the conference to present their poster may be withdrawn from the ACM Digital Library. Please see previous year’s CHI programs for examples of typical poster schedules.

Specific guidelines for preparing posters

Audiovisual and computing equipment will not be supplied. Power outlets will not be available. The participants may include QR codes in the poster to link to supplementary material online (such as scenario videos or interactive prototypes).

Information of the poster sizes and how they are secured in the frames will be provided closer to the conference date.

The poster must include…

Title, name, co-author names, affiliation
A concise description of the research
Clear illustrations of key aspects of your work
Compelling, effective visual design

Logistics for LBW posters in the conference are as follows:

More information will be provided closer to the conference date. See also the instructions for preparing the posters.

After the Conference

Accepted Late-Breaking Work submissions will be made available in the CHI Extended Abstracts, distributed by the conference and in the ACM Digital Library, where they will remain accessible to researchers and practitioners worldwide.

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