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Past Deadlines

14 September 2017
(Originally 12 September 2017)
Papers: Title, abstract, authors, subcommittee choice, and all other metadata
Updates on PCS problems

19 September 2017
Papers: Submission files

11 October 2017
Doctoral Consortium
Case Studies
Accepted Courses

13 October 2017
Accepted Workshops/Symposia

27 October 2017
Art Exhibition

22 November 2017
Paper rebuttals are due at 20:00 EST (8pm in Montreal)

2 January 2018
Student Design Competition
Student Research Competition

15 January 2018
Early Career Development Symposium
Late-Breaking Work
Panels & Roundtable Discussions
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Video Showcase

25 January 2018

8 March 2018
1 March 2018
Early Registration Deadline

Poster Instructions

Poster Venues

Different venues have accompanying posters. The Doctoral Consortium, Student Research Competition, and Student Design Competition will display their posters in the Exhibit Hall from Tuesday to Thursday; however, these posters may also be used earlier in the conference depending on the venue. The Late-Breaking Work posters will rotate being shown in the Exhibit Hall with one group being displayed on Tuesday, and one group on Wednesday. Instructions for times to set up your posters will be available closer to the conference.

Poster Sizes

There will be two posters per poster board. Your printed poster should not exceed 1 metre by 1 metre (Imperial Unit conversion tools available here, here, and here). There will be tacks available to fix your posters to the poster boards.

Audiovisual and computing equipment will not be supplied. Power outlets will not be available, and participants are kindly asked to not bring any bulky items that may impede the flow of traffic (so please don’t use the poster in lieu of large demos). The participants may include QR codes in the poster to link to supplementary material online (such as scenario videos or interactive prototypes). Participants wishing to hang flyers, business cards, or other handouts to the poster are welcome to do so, but they must bring their own supplies (e.g. envelopes, paper clips) to hang these materials to the poster. Please note that tape cannot be used to secure anything to the poster board (only tacks can be used for this).

Instructions for Authors

Posters in the Doctoral Consortium, Student Design Competition, Student Research Competition, and the first rotation of the Late-Breaking Work should be set up between 8:00 and 10:00 on Tuesday.

Posters in the second rotation of the Late-Breaking Work should be set up between 8:30 and 10:00 on Wednesday.

Posters in the Doctoral Consortium, Student Design Competition, Student Research Competition, and the second rotation of the Late-Breaking Work can stay on the boards until Thursday morning.

Posters in the first rotation of the Late-Breaking Work must be removed by no later than Tuesday at 18:00. Poster presenters must be at their poster during these times:

SDC Tuesday 15:20 – 16:00
SRC Tuesday 15:20 – 16:00
LBW rotation 1 Tuesday 10:20 – 11:00 and 15:20 – 16:00
DC Tuesday 10:20 – 11:00
LBW rotation 2 Wednesday 10:20 – 11:00 and 15:20 – 16:00

Of course, poster presenters can be at their posters at all other times during the days their posters are up (Tue to Thu morning for SDC, SRC, DC; Tue for LBW rotation 1; Wed for LBW rotation 2).

The SDC, SRC, and DC poster presenters can be at their posters during the rest of the days as well (until the Thursday morning tear-down).

The care taking services will remove and discard any posters left hanging at 13:30 on Thursday.


We will be updating this page with additional details (e.g., set up times, poster locations) as we approach CHI 2018, so look back often for new information!

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