Home » SIGCHI Submitter Agreement

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Past Deadlines

14 September 2017
(Originally 12 September 2017)
Papers: Title, abstract, authors, subcommittee choice, and all other metadata
Updates on PCS problems

19 September 2017
Papers: Submission files

11 October 2017
Doctoral Consortium
Case Studies
Accepted Courses

13 October 2017
Accepted Workshops/Symposia

27 October 2017
Art Exhibition

22 November 2017
Paper rebuttals are due at 20:00 EST (8pm in Montreal)

2 January 2018
Student Design Competition
Student Research Competition

15 January 2018
Early Career Development Symposium
Late-Breaking Work
Panels & Roundtable Discussions
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Video Showcase

25 January 2018

8 March 2018
1 March 2018
Early Registration Deadline

SIGCHI Submitter Agreement

Before beginning the process of preparing and submitting a Paper to the CHI Conference, you must understand the Terms and Conditions of the SIGCHI Submitter Agreement. You will be asked to agree to the Terms and Conditions as the first step of submitting your work. The Terms and Conditions of the SIGCHI Submitter Agreement appear below:

SIGCHI Submitter Agreement

Making a submission to a SIGCHI conference is a serious matter. Submissions require time and effort by SIGCHI volunteers to organize and manage the reviewing process, and, if the submission is accepted, the publication and presentation process. Thus, we expect anyone submitting to a SIGCHI conference to confirm the following:

  1. I confirm that this submission is the work of myself and my co-authors.
  2. I confirm that I or my co-authors hold copyright to the content, and have obtained appropriate permissions for any portions of the content that are copyrighted by others.
  3. I confirm that any research reported in this submission involving human subjects has gone through the appropriate approval process at my institution.
  4. I confirm that if my submission is accepted, I or one of my co-authors will attend the conference.
  5. I confirm that I understand that if my submission is accepted, it will be made publicly available up to two weeks prior to the beginning of the conference
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